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Love In Action

"Table Talk" Each week everyone on our mailing list receives an email tool for reflection and encouragement to embrace and share Love. 





Love In Action for January 2024.


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Our next Love in Action oportunity is to provide a meal and evening activity to Family Promise on Thursday, February 6th.  We will be collecting food items for the meal on Sunday, January 26th.
A Sign Up Genius will be sent out prior to the 26th for items and volunteers needed.

Family Promise provides training for volunteers once a month.  It is not absolutely necessary that you have attended this training to help on February 6th because you will be paired with an experienced volunteer.  But the training is helpful and if you can attend the training sometime this year here is the training information:

NEXT TRAINING: JANUARY 11th (and the first Saturday of each month)

If you or your volunteers have not yet been trained for providing meals, fellowship and overnight please sign up at  


Training will be the first Saturday of each month for the rest of the year at 9am at the FPWC training room. We have found that volunteers that participate in training are far more comfortable and have a much more pleasant experience than those who have not trained. A happy volunteer is likely to volunteer again! We look forward to seeing you at training.

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