We are a changing, fluid, growing, movement of people following God on an active journey to live beyond institutional expressions of faith.
To announce that every person bears the image of God.
Impact the world as we share the expansive faith of Jesus.
Reconciliation. We welcome to the table everyone who seeks the Kingdom of God in a spirit of inclusiveness and nurturing relationships.
Justice. Jesus proclaimed liberty for those who were oppressed. We proclaim his message with empathy, dignity, and respect.
Wholeness. The Open Table seeks to balance a life of faith with the whole person, so that we can live our faith with authenticity, every day.
Beauty. As children of God, we create a community that reflects the beauty of God's idea for the world, where you can be who you are wherever you are on your faith journey.
I became part of The Open Table because I wanted a church that welcomes everyone seeking the Kingdom of God in a spirit of inclusive and nurturing relationships. The Open Table gets together every Sunday to praise our Lord and learn more about the plans He has for our lives. The Open Table Church believes our involvement as the Body of Christ doesn’t end after Sunday Worship. Instead, that’s where it begins as I am energized to serve Christ and share Him with those I encounter every day! I am passionate about my journey with Jesus and my part in His mission to be disciples who make disciples.
Kathy Maehler
“Born of the conviction that every person is uniquely fashioned by God and is of sacred worth, The Open Table wholly embodies this most important principle of Christianity. As a ‘same sex family’ who just wants to be recognized, affirmed, and celebrated the same as any other family, my husband and our children have realized our spiritual home.”
Lee Tyson
We’ve known Pastor Dale for the past five years. His passion for Jesus, loving and serving your neighbor and living missionally has continually challenged us and made us stronger Christians. He is committed to leaving this world a better place and his passion is contagious. No matter where you are on your faith journey, The Open Table has a seat waiting for you. We invite you to be a part of a community bound together by scripture, God’s love and a burning desire to love and serve our neighbors.
Nita Douglas